My latest "What the..?" are animal shaped hats!
At first I thought I had just spent faaaar too long in front of the computer and my eyes were playing tricks. Grown adults were walking round the shops, sat reading on the tube, queuing up for coffee... With the head wear of a three year old! Do not get me wrong, I am ALL for dress-up! What a laugh it would be dressing up as Flash Gordon every Tuesday or spending your weekend as Britney Spears. But what threw me about this disturbing accessory is the straight faces of the hat wearers. It is like you're hallucinating that there's half a panda face covering her head. And you feel odd staring!

It seems that this may be the start of toddler wear for the over 20's! I have been racking my brain at what could be next so, as an obvious trend setter (ahem), I have come up with the following! Just remember where you heard it first!!!
* Adult Bibs - these can have "Cutie" or "I'm with stupid" market slogans on the front. Must have a side pocket for your mobile - or lolly pop!
* Hospital wrist tags - with your name, DOB and weight on! Uber cool green plastic with peeling laminate.
* Burping parties - The latest craze for the kidz! Stuff yourself stupid on fizz-wizz and alcopops and then smack eachothers backs in a circle until one of you pukes.
* Shoes that look JUST like 2 year olds - They come with buttons, bows and a little key for the girls and a transformer toy for the boys. (I actually love this idea!!! Always wanted those 'key' shoes... )

* Forget scooters, people will soon be pushing themselves to work in plastic wheeled fireman trucks, pink horses, tortoises... Just sit on their back and you're away!
* Instead of dress down Friday, there will be compulsory art and crafts on ALL Friday afternoons. Make your best friend a spaghetti card to tell him "Get Well" or your mum a Daffodil picture. Finger painting will take place in the Meeting Room and the Board Room will be for people that want to run around in circles (as there's lots of space there...)
* Finally (because I could actually go on all night) Whenever you meet a person for the first time you must announce how old you are (in years AND months) and tell them when's your next birthday. But they're not invited to your party!

I have not taken any of these photos and unfortunately do not know which photographers have! But have referenced below the photos to their sites:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7