As I do not have a television (pause for dramatic gasps and thoughts of "What do you DO with your time") I have only just watched the last episode of Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. I cried! Not because at 30 I am now considered on-the-shelf, but because I am absolutely disgusted that this kind of abuse continues to be ignored in our society.
We think that Britain is so advanced and civilised and often tut, shaking our heads at the atrocities committed by 'less civilised' societies than our own. But yet we ignore Britain's blatant disregard for Travellers.
If you have any doubts - how about these example statements:
"Black family evicted - Not welcome here say locals"
"We don't want Gays in our village"
"Indian wedding reception cancelled when discovered they were Indian"
"Lesbians should go back from where they came from!"
"Disabled are thieves and scum"
Simply replace the red word with 'Gypsy'. It becomes an immediately acceptable statement! Not even questioned!
Why is this? Surely if we are as educated and as advanced as we believe, then why on earth are we perpetuating this racism. Is it because they are Caucasian that we fool ourselves into thinking we're not racist? Or do we think of reasons to continue our witch hunt?
I am originally from Dorset so have grown up with reports of Travellers pitching up on peoples land. The fear it created was unbelievable. Growing up I heard a lot of accusations thrown at the community, such as - They leave a mess! They steal things! They let their dogs poo everywhere! Mmmm... First of all, there is not a refuse collection on Travellers sites! A big problem!
Plus how many of you out there throw your can of coke, fag butt, crisp packet etc on the ground? How many school kids dabble in shop lifting! Adults claiming expenses that are not rightfully theirs! Dodging Tax! Claiming benefits while working! Pocketing cash-in-hand work! Eating grapes around the supermarket! Walking around my house it is constant poo jumping! It is like playing hopscotch! These are things our whole society are guilty of. There are also a lot of us that NEVER thrown rubbish, steal or leave poo on the floor. Just in every community in the whole world!
"But it is some ones land!" cry the die-hard right-wings! If the land isn't being used, what harm is it doing?? Seriously! What harm? And don't forget, all land in this country has at some point in history been stolen or 'acquired' from someone by someone! What made it theirs to begin with?
So what are the real reasons!? As always, we are scared of what we do not know, do not understand and cannot control. Acceptance is the only word that will truly unite. Until then we are all just animals marking our territory.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Million Dollar Quartet - "Mmmmm, Feels Good!"
I never get to go to the theatre so how excited was I to find out that Michael Malarky is currently starring as ELVIS in the new West End show, Million Dollar Quartet!
It is at Noel Coward Theatre along St.Martin's Lane and although it has already started, it doesn't 'technically' open until 28th February! This still confuses me but I am told it is quite normal...
Upon getting to the theatre, I was greeted regularly by Michael with the other stars of the show: Robert Britton Lyons (Carl Perkins), Derek Hagen (Johnny Cash) and Ben Goddard (Jerry Lee Lewis) - which I thought was very welcoming! Here's Michael and I having a few laughs, singing a few songs, having a little pose before he had to get ready for the show!
I wasn't really sure what to expect as I am only a young bairn who also suffers severely with a lack of general knowledge. But Bruce - who is closer to this period in history - informed me that it really is a famous story! I guess that is why they made a musical about it... I bought a programme just to make sure of the facts though!
It is a lively piece with songs you know and songs you say "Oh yeeeess... So THAT is who sung that!" I previously believed that Elvis was the one who wrote Blue Suede Shoes. I learnt something tonight!*Bruce just told me that Elvis didn't write any songs! He is a fountain of knowledge!!!
All the performers were absolutely mind blowing! I could write about all of them, gushing about how talented they were, how I can't believe it was live, how when Ben Goddard flicked his hair he made the ladies weak at the knees ... In fact, I already did but have deleted it all as it was just embarrassing! You must go see it for yourselves!!!
But you will have to join the queue to see Michael at stage door. I think he must have seen me taking the photos before the start of the show and legged it out of the side exit. Or maybe he heard the blonde girl next to me say "The truth is, I am just in love with the guy who played Elvis!"
Either way, it was a cold, pitiful wait at Stage Door... But from just £5 a ticket before 28th I may just go again : )
All photos © Bruce (He asked for me to credit him... but it was my phone he used.)
It is at Noel Coward Theatre along St.Martin's Lane and although it has already started, it doesn't 'technically' open until 28th February! This still confuses me but I am told it is quite normal...
Upon getting to the theatre, I was greeted regularly by Michael with the other stars of the show: Robert Britton Lyons (Carl Perkins), Derek Hagen (Johnny Cash) and Ben Goddard (Jerry Lee Lewis) - which I thought was very welcoming! Here's Michael and I having a few laughs, singing a few songs, having a little pose before he had to get ready for the show!
I wasn't really sure what to expect as I am only a young bairn who also suffers severely with a lack of general knowledge. But Bruce - who is closer to this period in history - informed me that it really is a famous story! I guess that is why they made a musical about it... I bought a programme just to make sure of the facts though!
It is a lively piece with songs you know and songs you say "Oh yeeeess... So THAT is who sung that!" I previously believed that Elvis was the one who wrote Blue Suede Shoes. I learnt something tonight!*Bruce just told me that Elvis didn't write any songs! He is a fountain of knowledge!!!
All the performers were absolutely mind blowing! I could write about all of them, gushing about how talented they were, how I can't believe it was live, how when Ben Goddard flicked his hair he made the ladies weak at the knees ... In fact, I already did but have deleted it all as it was just embarrassing! You must go see it for yourselves!!!
But you will have to join the queue to see Michael at stage door. I think he must have seen me taking the photos before the start of the show and legged it out of the side exit. Or maybe he heard the blonde girl next to me say "The truth is, I am just in love with the guy who played Elvis!"
Either way, it was a cold, pitiful wait at Stage Door... But from just £5 a ticket before 28th I may just go again : )
All photos © Bruce (He asked for me to credit him... but it was my phone he used.)
Full Cast:
Sam Phillips
Carl Perkins
Johnny Cash
Jerry Lee Lewis
Elvis Presley
Jay Perkins, Bass
Fluke, Drums
Carl Perkins at certain performances
Alternate Johnny Cash, Understudy Sam Phillips
Jerry Lee Lewis at certain performances
Elvis Presley at certain performances
Understudy Carl Perkins
Understudy Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Sam Phillips
2nd Cover Elvis Presley
Understudy Dyanne
Understudy Dyanne
Friday, 4 February 2011
Animal Hats!!!? For adults?
I don't have a television or read glossy mags so sneaky trends that seem to edge into society tend to slap me around the face. It is like waking up after ten years in a coma - but there are still no hover-boards!

My latest "What the..?" are animal shaped hats!
At first I thought I had just spent faaaar too long in front of the computer and my eyes were playing tricks. Grown adults were walking round the shops, sat reading on the tube, queuing up for coffee... With the head wear of a three year old! Do not get me wrong, I am ALL for dress-up! What a laugh it would be dressing up as Flash Gordon every Tuesday or spending your weekend as Britney Spears. But what threw me about this disturbing accessory is the straight faces of the hat wearers. It is like you're hallucinating that there's half a panda face covering her head. And you feel odd staring!

It seems that this may be the start of toddler wear for the over 20's! I have been racking my brain at what could be next so, as an obvious trend setter (ahem), I have come up with the following! Just remember where you heard it first!!!
* Adult Bibs - these can have "Cutie" or "I'm with stupid" market slogans on the front. Must have a side pocket for your mobile - or lolly pop!
* Hospital wrist tags - with your name, DOB and weight on! Uber cool green plastic with peeling laminate.
* Burping parties - The latest craze for the kidz! Stuff yourself stupid on fizz-wizz and alcopops and then smack eachothers backs in a circle until one of you pukes.
* Shoes that look JUST like 2 year olds - They come with buttons, bows and a little key for the girls and a transformer toy for the boys. (I actually love this idea!!! Always wanted those 'key' shoes... )

* Forget scooters, people will soon be pushing themselves to work in plastic wheeled fireman trucks, pink horses, tortoises... Just sit on their back and you're away!
* Instead of dress down Friday, there will be compulsory art and crafts on ALL Friday afternoons. Make your best friend a spaghetti card to tell him "Get Well" or your mum a Daffodil picture. Finger painting will take place in the Meeting Room and the Board Room will be for people that want to run around in circles (as there's lots of space there...)
* Finally (because I could actually go on all night) Whenever you meet a person for the first time you must announce how old you are (in years AND months) and tell them when's your next birthday. But they're not invited to your party!
I have not taken any of these photos and unfortunately do not know which photographers have! But have referenced below the photos to their sites:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7

My latest "What the..?" are animal shaped hats!
At first I thought I had just spent faaaar too long in front of the computer and my eyes were playing tricks. Grown adults were walking round the shops, sat reading on the tube, queuing up for coffee... With the head wear of a three year old! Do not get me wrong, I am ALL for dress-up! What a laugh it would be dressing up as Flash Gordon every Tuesday or spending your weekend as Britney Spears. But what threw me about this disturbing accessory is the straight faces of the hat wearers. It is like you're hallucinating that there's half a panda face covering her head. And you feel odd staring!

It seems that this may be the start of toddler wear for the over 20's! I have been racking my brain at what could be next so, as an obvious trend setter (ahem), I have come up with the following! Just remember where you heard it first!!!
* Adult Bibs - these can have "Cutie" or "I'm with stupid" market slogans on the front. Must have a side pocket for your mobile - or lolly pop!
* Hospital wrist tags - with your name, DOB and weight on! Uber cool green plastic with peeling laminate.
* Burping parties - The latest craze for the kidz! Stuff yourself stupid on fizz-wizz and alcopops and then smack eachothers backs in a circle until one of you pukes.
* Shoes that look JUST like 2 year olds - They come with buttons, bows and a little key for the girls and a transformer toy for the boys. (I actually love this idea!!! Always wanted those 'key' shoes... )

* Forget scooters, people will soon be pushing themselves to work in plastic wheeled fireman trucks, pink horses, tortoises... Just sit on their back and you're away!
* Instead of dress down Friday, there will be compulsory art and crafts on ALL Friday afternoons. Make your best friend a spaghetti card to tell him "Get Well" or your mum a Daffodil picture. Finger painting will take place in the Meeting Room and the Board Room will be for people that want to run around in circles (as there's lots of space there...)
* Finally (because I could actually go on all night) Whenever you meet a person for the first time you must announce how old you are (in years AND months) and tell them when's your next birthday. But they're not invited to your party!

I have not taken any of these photos and unfortunately do not know which photographers have! But have referenced below the photos to their sites:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
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