This was an interesting shoot as it started out as simply an add-on to another photography session and was decided on only a day or two before! But I ended up being really excited about it... Mainly because there was going to be glitter involved!
There were some lovely moments and Nikki didn't grumble once - despite being in a nightie. Sinead O'Sullivan, the costume designer brought various items to choose from but the skimpiest one just look better!! Sorry Nikki : )
The make-up was designed by Anna Lewandowska who had free reign to do whatever she wanted - as long as it was dramatic and glittery! I love the green on the lids - beeaautiful!
We had a fab window with loads of light and a young model with fantastic bone structure! What could go wrong? Ah... you've guessed it! The glitter!!!

But I had learnt a lesson that day: I can happily work with animals and children... but never again glitter!