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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Contrast and Glittttttttter!!!!

This was an interesting shoot as it started out as simply an add-on to another photography session and was decided on only a day or two before! But I ended up being really excited about it... Mainly because there was going to be glitter involved!

There were some lovely moments and Nikki didn't grumble once - despite being in a nightie. Sinead O'Sullivan, the costume designer brought various items to choose from but the skimpiest one just look better!! Sorry Nikki : )

The make-up was designed by Anna Lewandowska who had free reign to do whatever she wanted - as long as it was dramatic and glittery! I love the green on the lids - beeaautiful!

We had a fab window with loads of light and a young model with fantastic bone structure! What could go wrong? Ah... you've guessed it! The glitter!!!

Not only did it not behave as it was required too - a gentle stream of glitter shimmering across the scene - but it also got EVERY where! Every where except in the photos! Infuriating! Thank fully we had covered the whole floor with bin liners and were extremely careful with the hired space - as I knew Simon, who rented us The Invisible Dot, already had reservations about the glitter. I only wish he could have seen me clearing up after, stalking every stray pieces with gaffa tape. I looked like a mad woman!!!

But I had learnt a lesson that day: I can happily work with animals and children... but never again glitter!

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Bootiful Bernard! (And other timely celeb deaths)

Turkey tycoon, Bernard Matthews, passed away on Thursday at a grand age of 80! Despite disapproving tutting from Jamie Oliver, critic from animal rights activists and his farm suffering from the bird flu epidemic that never was... I always LIKED Bernard Matthews! May be simply because he reminded me of my childhood! 

But, the fact that he died on Thanksgiving is so bizzare!!! And hasn't really been mentioned - I thought the press would jump all over it! I searched the news all day waiting for the 'gotcha' article to tell us all it was a Daily Mash spoof! For the man who made a living from turkey to die on the day that's celebrated by a big fat turkey was almost too much for me to believe!

I then started wondering what other known personalities had also died in a way connected to their signature 'piece'! So after a little research, here is a review of what I found out... 

In 1673 the French actor and playwright,  Molière, died after being suffering a violent coughing fit, while playing the main role in his play Le Malade imaginaire (The Hypochondriac/The Imaginary Invalid).

Isadora Duncan -  the famous dancer known for her love of scarves that also featured in her work - was a passenger in a car in 1927 when the scarf she was wearing became tangled in one of the car’s wheels and strangled her .

The creator of "Organic Farming and Gardening", Jerome Irving Rodale was known as the 'founding father' of the organic food movement. While discussing the benefits of organic foods he dropped dead in his chair part way through an interview on the "Dick Cavett Showin January 1971 at the age of 72. Just before his death, Rodale boasted in the interview "I'm going to live to be 100 unless I'm run down by a sugar-crazed taxi driver...".

Author of the best selling "Complete Book of Running," Jim Fixx - who started the jogging craze of the 1970s - died of a massive coronary whilst out jogging. 

In 1987 actress, Elizabeth Hartman fell to her death from a fifth floor window in a bizarre reflection of a character in her staring 1966 movie "The Group."

A very special mention however goes to the sad case in 2009 of Kim Sa-rang, a 3-month-old baby girl. Although not a celebrity like the others mentioned beforehand, I feel her death has a great significance to our times. She died from malnutrition after both her parents spent hours each day in an internet cafe raising a virtual child on an online game.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The danger of adults reading children's books...

Would recommend you watch this fab sketch on YouTube!*

Wee Miss Bea sketch: 'Harry Potter and the Sexy Hellos'

A local produce - wig models own.

*No Harry's were actually hurt in the making of this sketch show.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Thee youth of thee morrow!

Yesterday I had an hour to spare so treated myself to a coffee - a sit-in one! Recession? What recession! Make mine a sit-in with ginger stem muffin!

While sipping away I overheard a young french couple, hugging, kissing and muttering sweet nothings to eachother. It was only half an hour later that I picked up on the word 'Bitch' and 'Buses' and 'Furry'!?!? Within seconds their speech became clearer and I began to understand the jist of what they were saying!

"I have the ability to understand other languages! Amazing! I am like John Travolta in that film where he had a brain tumour that increased his brain capacity..." These were my first thoughts...

Infact the couple were simply young, trendy and with a good grip on the latest lingo. I instantly felt every second of my thirty years!

But for all of us shaking our heads disapprovingly and tutting "Why can't they speak properly" I wonder if we sound as alien as the young cool-cats* can to us? As language constantly evolves, this may be simply the next, accelerated step-up! Could our 'correct' pronunciation sounds as correct to them as a 16th century Lord would to us!?

Next time, I think I'll listen a little harder as I may pick up a few tips! (Although I was certain they wanted to steal my laptop so I stuffed my muffin down and ran away...)

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people."
William Butler Yeats

"Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood."
William Penn

*Yes, I know by using this term I am definitely NOT cool!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Royal Wedding!!!!!

As if we couldn't all see that one coming! How boring!

I thought he was dating Kate Beckinsale!
Here's a shot earlier today capturing the excitement at the press launch!
In other news: 
Posh Spice is rich and skinny, Rooney is rich and ugly and Michael Jackson 
has never been richer!

Monday, 15 November 2010

The start...

I have many of self-indulgent thoughts, ideas and opinions but do not seem to have significant contact to share them all. So created a blog so that you may never miss out! Generous, eh? I have been a bit rubbish today though and need to get on with proper work (as I decided that going back to sleep would be the best plan this morning...)